
You Have to get lost in order to be found.

Hiya everyone its been a while since you have heard from me, its grand to know that my blog is still helping people from all over the world.

Its been five years since I started my blog with a year taken out for family life, its great to be back….

Im not going to lie its been a bumpy ride along the way but ive decided to come back and share the love again,

I’ve rebranded and I’ve gone back to my roots im proud to come from the West Midlands, I have happy memories growing up around my grandparents doesn’t matter where i am in the UK I will always be greatful for my home town.

I have also started podcasting, Which is completely out of my comfort zone but im a 5ft 3 women with alot to say ,so it’s perfect for me. I know the right type of listeners will tune in hopefully they’ll understand my accent.

Cuppa tay podcast link below 👇👇🔗


Spotify Code

I have been trying really hard to find a way back to myself again I love being a mom, but sometimes you just need a bit of normality, Time out away from the madness,this is a perfect way for me to express myself and get a chance to show the real me.

I get it life’s a struggle at times people just need to be listened to and understood, my blog and my Podcast will be real and raw full of my own experiences, so if you like a bit of a giggle or a moan join me on both my blog and podcast.

Love to you all

Stacey x

Find the beauty in everything.

Evening all sorry for my lack of blogging as of late but lifes just been busy…

I’m currently going through the very last part of my healing process, it’s the stage when the guard is slowly dropping again and you can feel yourself ready to move forward it’s time..

I now understand that the process I have been through had to happen, The universe saw I was tired, unhappy and not living life to its full potential.

It saw me brused, burnt out, lied to Cheated on, used and abused.

When you have a pure soul the universe don’t allow it, if you don’t do something about it yourself, it will.

First comes the anger the pain and then the process of healing and realisation and embarrassment of allowing yourself to put up with it for so long.

I’ve learnt alot about myself throughout the process, I’ve learnt what I want matters, to stop saying yes to people and situations, and not to put up with the bullshit…

How you treat me is how I treat you accordingly.

That’s just the way it is now, I don’t look past anything now I see it for what it really is.

I see the beauty in everything we all live on borrowed time you get one chance and that’s all it is a chance.

You work hard and hussle even harder, life didn’t deal you with a bad hand there isn’t one problem in the world without a solution.

You just need to find the mindset to deal with it properly, playing the victim won’t bring change it just leaves you stuck and unable to move on.

Let it go, I don’t hold anger anymore I’ve learnt to forgive for my own reasons, you can never control how someone else treats you, its a defintion of their character not yours.

But one thing you can’t do is every time someone kicks you down is stay there get up stand on your feet straight yourself up and say no not this time…

Know your worth, and live your life.

Let love in and don’t let the next person pay for someone else’s mistakes this is why the healing period is crucial it’s so important.

And I promise you that next time around you will be ready and you will make it clear what you want.

Don’t play games, fall in love and just be yourself.

Love to you all

Stacey xxx

The women with the highest walls, have the deepest love.

Evening all, I know it’s been a while since I’ve connected with you all.

Stop the ferris wheel it’s time for me to get off.

And what I mean is that after the past 9 months my soul has started to finally heal.

I’m on the final push now and I really know I’m going to be OK.

It’s been a whirlwind, emotions have been high and low but I no longer see that situations will never have a solution.

It’s just depends on how much you want to pick yourself up and move on, release the past.

I feel so much lighter and alive and I’m not holding back who I really am.

You see people will project past issues onto new connections, I ain’t about that.

I’m not scared to open my heart again to love but this time I want to get it right.

I never want to be on dating site again aslong as I live there just full of men who want sexual interactions, without the connection.

I can’t stress enough how much a connection with someone is vital for true relationship is with someone.

Yeah sex is amazing but finding that one person who can make you smile even though you don’t want to that’s pretty special.

See I’m the kind of women who’s both goofy and reserved once I let you in you see the most beautiful parts of my soul and trust me Ive not shared that with many connections in my life 33 years of being on earth.

So the last few months my liver has had a bashing and my souls been fighting but I’m still going… The past is the past and now I’m finally free to move on.

If your struggling to see the light somedays it’s OK to sit in the dark but don’t stay there get off your bum get dressed and go out in the world and explore open your eyes… And just when you don’t expect it something wonderful happens.

Keep going…

Love to you all

Stacey xx

Understand the journey and trust the process.

Evening all…

I dislike Sunday evenings so much time of reflection and anticipation of the week to come.

Life at times absolutely sucks, overthinking and trying to understand other people’s actions towards you can be soul distroying.

Every situation your dealt with is tough it’s testing but it’s how your react and deal with it is what makes you learn your biggest lessons

I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve been in such a dark place and I’m going to be completely honest with you all there’s been times where I’ve felt that I wouldn’t make it past the darkness, but here I am today here and present but far from complete.

You have to come to terms that’s sometimes you will ever understand another humans beings actions towards you.

But the what I’ve realised dispite my own faults I’m a dam good person, I’ve got a big loyal heart.

People have done me wrong all my life like most of you but its not turned me bitter its not had me running scared.

It’s held me responsible for my own actions it’s made me greatful for every breath I take into my body for every moment or memory I hold in my heart and mind.

Life’s a struggle it’s a shit show but it how you handle yourself during the process, it’s how you respect the ones who are truly there for you in your hour of need.

I dont mean the fake freinds or social media presence its the ones who have the ability to still care when you keep pushing them back those are the ones who will never let you down.

Don’t tarnish them with the same brush because they ain’t cut from the same cloth as us spiritual people.

Understand your journey the path your On now if don’t like where you are move your not stuck, if you hate your job leave that mother fucking job, work on yourself do what makes you happy and trust the universe something better is on it way.

If love comes your way at what seems like it’s wrong timing trust the process its going to help you heal and shape yourself into a better person.

To many people give up opportunities due to what seem like wrong timing, they can’t process that someone actually accept them for who they truly are, not all of us are after what someone can provide for us.

We provide for our dam self’s we are just looking for someone to share this journey with.

The good the bad and the ugly it’s all part of the process.

What I’ve learnt from my past is that I can never go back only ever forward and I’ll trust, I’ll love and I will be truly happy at some stage in my life again.. Its all about trusting the process.

Love to you all

Stacey xx

Sit down shut up and listen…

Good morning everyone hope your all well.

I’ve decided that today’s blog is going to be a pep talk to anyone who needs it.

I’ve awoke in one of the moods we’re the universe has told me to speak out loud for them.

Stacey isn’t one to hold back she’s a virgo.

When life feels like its a kick in the balls over and over again.

Nothing seems to be working out in your favour and you think how many more lessons do you need to go through before everything runs smooth.

Let me tell you something life’s full of lessons and situations where your tested to the limits.

You know the situation where you finally find a bit of happiness and your mind starts kicking and click overthinking kicks in only way I can imagine it that your head and heart kicking shit out of each other to see who wins first.

Who do I listen too let your soul step in the middle and say enough Is enough not today Satan.

Key to happiness is doing what makes you happy not everyone else it’s not selfish.

I get peoples opinions help but it’s just what they are opinions you don’t have to listen.

People don’t even listen to their own advice so why should you.

Since my marriage ended I’ve been in a process of healing and I’ve been surrounded by people’s opinions but people should know me by now I do what Stacey wants too.

After being treated like absolute shit most my life and over thinking things enough is enough once you breathe air back into your soul every day is a blessing.

Life is going to take you to some dark places but the light always overcomes the darkness it maybe that it takes time.

Don’t loose faith keep going..

I’m sat here in the beautiful town of malvern on the hills speaking my truth because this is where I feel most alive and at peace.

I didn’t think I would feel so free again but listen your here and your present every problem has a solution just take a different approach.

It’s easy for me to say be postive but even on the rough days pull your mother fucking pants up and show the world who you are……

Love to you all

Stacey xxx

Song of the day https://youtu.be/fNy8llTLvuA

Are we destined to Burn or will we last the night….

Good morning where ever you are in the world…

After beating my demons back under the bed with my bat, I’ve decided to set my soul on fire again and come to my escape place.

Everyone has a wobble mine are less and less these days but 80% I’m always high on life.

I’m in such a better place now sometimes I get lonely and wonder what’s wrong with me why doesn’t anyone want my love.

The trouble with me is that I’m looking for a proper Connection, I’m under no illusion that everyone has their demons people deal with things differently.

I’m not here to fix anyone I’m here to give Someone all the love they deserve.

And to be completely myself.

I dont know how else to act other than to be myself, I look past situations I believe that there isn’t one problem that can’t have a solution if you really want someone or something it’s not about the right time, time isn’t always on your side.

You have to embrace the here and now

I just want my person to see themselves through my eyes you’ll see you shine you shine…

It’s not about materialistic things with me it’s about the love the laughter the ability to pick each other up when times get rough.

I’m sat on this mountain side just wanting to scream out loud when will it be my turn.

I’m tierd.. If you have demons let’s make ours fall in love too..

Love to you all

Stacie xx

What is love?

Evening all

I thought I would do a little post this evening regarding love.

I get asked this question alot Stacie what is love?

And honestly people I’m not too sure I can only give you my understanding and experiences regarding the four letter word.

I need to be completely honest here and if any of my exs peep at my blogs I’m sorry but I’ve got to be completely honest here but i really don’t feel like I’ve ever felt love, the experiences I’ve had in past relationships wasn’t love it was a perfect deception an illusion of a text book relationship.

I’ve always wanted that connection and understanding with someone who truly accepts and appreciates me for who I am with flaws and all.

That’s never been case for me sadly I’ve been down that path of the unknown so many times you loose sight of who you truly are.

If love truly exists between two human beings they will never change who they are as a person, sure you make compromises like most things in life but you never try and change someone to suit your needs.

Everyone has a shadow side that’s how we balance the scales in life.

I believe true love, pure love is someone who you find that instant connection with, its someone you feel you have know a lifetime even upon first meeting.

This is know as a old soul connection or a past life connection.

You feel instantly drawn to them, the connection is so strong you feel alittle overwhelmed by it all, true connection doesn’t wait the universe doesn’t wait.

Two souls collide and that’s when I feel true love is formed, its a love to last a lifetime.. (the one)

We are put with other souls in our lifetime that may not have been compatable with us to prepare us for our lifetime partner to learn us to become better people or to learn a lesson not to make same mistakes twice.

Either way it’s preparation for your lifetime partner.

I agree heartache sucks it really does but its just preparing us for our soul partnerships.

It’s making us stronger people in the process.

I’ve nearly gave up a few times I’ve just thought maybe I should just give up on love, but no the universe whispered to me no give it one last chance.

Who knows what our future holds but falling in love is part of the adventure its part of the process but never ever loose sight of who you are that’s not love.

A true soul connection will be your biggest supporter, will make you smile when your down, understand your needs, let you be yourself true authentic self.

I’m a free spirit so the universe will only match me with another free spirit like attracts like.

Love to you all.

Stacie xx

The inner mind of a virgo

Evening all hope your all OK.

Have you ever wondered what goes on Inside a virgos head sometimes it’s a dangerous place.

We overthink and under play ourselves so much to the point we would rather blend in the background and hide untill it’s safe to surface again.

Even though we are human beings alot of us virgos don’t actually like other humans, we only get along with a small number of people during our lifetime.

By that I mean a proper Connection will be formed.

A virgo will quickly make their mind up about a person but won’t judge a situation. Infact a virgo will do their best to try and help the ones they love.

We are passionate lovers and fall in love deep you will always be imprinted onto a virgos heart.

We are very picking with whom we share our time and energy with, the way we see it is being honest and not to brutal is always the best policy.

A virgo will never bullshit you or play games, they just want the best for the people they love.

Me being a virgo I can understand it can be quite hard for people to understand and read my emotions.

For new connections it’s really difficult beacause we always look like this…

Yep you can’t quite read us…

And for you men out there wanting to date a virgo you best buckle up buttercup your in for one hell of a ride..

Ahh we ain’t no trouble we just we know what we want and exactly how to get it.

If your a male or female out there who’s dating a virgo or who’s married to one you will know exactly what I mean.

Once you have had a virgo no other star sign will come close.

Sarcasm is how we deal with situations not always best way to deal with issues but a virgo would rather laugh than cry.

When dealing with emotional issues a virgo will always step back untill their 100% sure on a situation.

Once you crack that tough exterior we are just truly grateful and spiritual people who will love unconditionally.

And want to be loved in return a virgo will often save others before themselves.

But sometimes we need saving too.

Love to you all

Stacie xx

The power of words.

Good morning everyone.

It’s these early hours when I feel most alive.

After the last few weeks failed connection and constant disappointment.

I’ve had to really sit and think about what matters to me and how I process situations that are out of my control.

It’s taught me to get out of my own way stop procrastinating over other people’s decisions it’s not my job to save people.

It’s my job to save myself and be a better person.

As quick as we fall in love, as quick as a situation occurs nothing is set in stone.

Life can change so dam quickly you will never be able to fully prepare yourself for the change that you have no hold over.

We are blessed with emotions and cursed by our fears.

Head over heart or heart over head you can never be quite sure which way the wind is going to blow.

I live for today beacause tommrow isn’t promised to any of us.

If you love someone and they have battle scars that means you fully accept they have been fragile in life but don’t let the darkness consume them for too long.

Sometimes we only sit with them for a short while and sometimes we sit with them for a life time but what ever the outcome is just know you the time you spent made a difference to that person even if it was for a short while.

And yes it sucks when life doesn’t quite go the way you want it to, the heart is pure and the mind is cruel but you just have to keep going forward keep pushing on.

Love to you all

Stacie xx

Embrace it don’t chase it.

Hello everyone good afternoon or good morning wherever you are in the world.

I’m blogging from my lovely home in malvern and yes I’m still in bed.

To many gins last night but you only live once, it’s called self love Friday’s to me but self pity Saturday shortly follows.

This week has been complete madness to be honest.

But I’ve embraced whats been thrown at me and I’ve handled it like I always do.

I only ever show people what I want them to see but my guard is slowly coming down, it’s all down to when you have had to always defend yourself and your actions to others for so long it sort of sticks.

I’m realising that not all my actions need to be broken down in to tiny pieces and analysed, it is what it is.

I know deep down I’m where I’m meant to be in life, it’s all about trusting the process.

I can’t express how free I feel after so long of not being able to be myself.

I know I’m moving onto the next stage in my life now and I know I don’t need to justify myself to anyone.

My advice to anyone who’s feeling a bit stuck in life is to look at what you really want but don’t get to stuck on how your going to achieve it.

Trust the process and the experience don’t let fear stop you from taking that chance either.

Stay positive and embrace the opportunity.

Stacey won’t chase I’m a virgo effort comes from within and your time is precious so choose who you share it with wisely.

I’m looking to the future and I hope you are too..

Love to you all xx